The Labour Court has found in favour of security operative who alleged she was fired for making a bullying complaint. She received an increased award from the Court. The case was taken under section 27 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 which protects an employee from victimisation if he/she makes a Health and Safety complaint. Bullying is seen as coming under the Health and Safety legislation. The Court in its determination stated:
“Having considered the totality of the evidence available to it the Court finds that the Complainant has established that she made a complaint within the meaning of section 27(3) of the Act and that it was an operative consideration leading to her subsequent dismissal. The Respondent Company has not discharged the burden of proving that the decision to dismiss the Complainant was not influenced by that complaint.”
Read the full case here: https://www.workplacerelations.ie/en/Cases/2015/October/HSD153.html